
Why do Carpet Cleaners insist on selling "Method"?

A common mistake is to sell "METHOD" when we attempt to sell a new cleaning account our services. In this EncapBlog video I'll share with you why it's just plain dumb to get hung up in the loop of selling "method". When it comes to commercial carpet cleaning marketing, your customer is primarily interested in results. They want CLEAN CARPET, that's all. This EncapBlog video discusses the way to address questions that come up regarding method and how to increase your sales using a slightly varied approach. I hope this is helpful to you, and if I can help you in any way give me a shout at 1-800-330-1888.

Improving Your "Bedside Manner"

Here's a new EncapBlog video. It talks about the importance of doing a Carpet Inspection during the sales interview with your prospect. Just like a good doctor asks questions, professional carpet cleaners ask questions too. Using good questions opens up a dialogue with the prospect and helps you to convey the fact that you're a "professional" who is prepared to solve their problems for them. Take a look at the video - I hope you like it.

The importance of maintaining confidence when you speak with prospective clients

In this video I discuss the importance of maintaining confidence when you're selling. It is easy to send your confidence into a tailspin when you meet rejection in selling. But it is really important to maintain a grip on your confidence. I will share with you a few tricks I've learned that help me when I'm out speaking with prospective clients. I hope it will be helpful to you!

How To Price Commercial Carpet Cleaning Jobs

A very common question that we get at Excellent Supply is "how do you price commercial jobs"? Well there is no hard and fast rule on pricing. In my years of cleaning commercial carpet, I've found that using a sliding scale approach to pricing seems to work best. This installment of the EncapBlog gives a quick overview of the approach that we have taken in our commercial carpet cleaning business. Hopefully this information will be helpful to you.

Know when to fold 'em (aka dealing with "crazy" customers)

This week I was talking with one of our customers. He was knee deep in a problem situation with one of his customers. He had failed to fully satisfy his customer. And now nothing he could do was going to make her happy. It was a losing venture at this point. Perhaps you've been in a situation like that at some point in your business. This EncapBlog video addresses how you can possibly avoid crazy situations like this. I hope you enjoy it.

Getting Past The Gatekeeper

In this installment of the EncapBlog video we discuss HOW TO GET PAST THE GATEKEEPER. This is probably one of the biggest challenges for most of us to handle. The Gatekeeper is the person in the business whose purpose in life is to run interference and keep you from getting through to the person you need to speak with. 

So how do we get past the Gatekeeper? How do we first of all find out whop the right person in the organization is? How we get the chance to speak with the Prospect (who in fact is GOLD to our companies growth). Well I've learned a trick that works most of the time. And in this short clip I will let you know how it works. I hope this information will help you get in front of the decision makers who can help you grow your commercial business.

Dress For Success

This week's video deals with making the right impression when you encounter your prospective client.

Getting your head into commercial marketing

If you've ever struggled to get your commercial marketing program up to speed, this video may be helpful to you. There are a number of self imposed roadblocks that we encounter when it comes to sales and marketing. A lot lot of the hurdles we need to get over start within our own mind.

In this installment I will consider with you what it takes to begin looking at commercial accounts in a a more positive manner. We'll look at a few strategies to keep in mind that will make it easier for you to go out there and ramp up your commercial sales. So take a few minutes to watch this short clip. Hopefully it will encourage you to become more successful as you target new commercial clients for your business.

New Video Feature to the EncapBlog

We are putting together a cool new feature here (at least I think it will be cool). It's going to be a regular feature of YouTube videos relating to commercial carpet care. I'm planning to produce these short clips every week or so. Please be sure to check back often to see what's been recorded. There will be new content added all the time. We're planning to cover everything from A-Z for commercial carpet care - marketing, management, cleaning techniques, product spotlights, and general advice for commercial carpet care. We talk to commercial carpet cleaners everyday here at Excellent Supply, and we field a lot of their questions - so we're planning to tailor this material to fit the concerns of the typical commercial cleaner. I think the information we'll consider here will be useful to everyone. Go ahead and check out our introductory clip below. And then be sure to check back next week for a crash course on getting past the receptionist. And please be sure to spread the word too. I hope you like it!

This Week's EncapBlog Video Clip...


Yeah, I know, you're sick of all the doom and gloom discussion about the economy. So am I.

It reminds me of the old story about Henny Penny. In that childhood story, a chicken is eating lunch one day and an acorn drops onto her head. She concludes that the sky is falling, so she sets off to tell every animal she encounters the dire news - "the sky is falling". The animals are taken in by her alarming report. And in the end the gullible animals get eaten by a fox. Not a happy ending.
The question I keep wondering is, are we being duped like the animals in the Henny Penny tale? You see, everywhere I go, I keep seeing people acting pretty much like normal. They're out there driving around town, shopping at the same stores, and packing out the same restaurants, just like they always have. So where is this "deep recession" we keep hearing so much about? Is it possible that the public is being led to the mouth of the fox at the urging of a confused chicken?

Undoubtedly, some sectors of the economy have been affected by the economic downturn. Basically anything relating to housing is down. The auto industry is down. Some of the financial industries have taken a hit too. But is the sky falling? I am inclined to say no.

By the way, I started my first cleaning business back in March 1982, right at the end of a recession that lasted from 1980-1982. Start a business in a recession? Yes I did. And I had no trouble doing it either. And when an economic slump occurred in the late 80's, again in the 90's, and yet again in the early 2000's - it was business as usual for us. The point I'm making is this; the cleaning industry can hum along just fine, in spite of the occasional downturns in the economy.

So, what are we to do when the economy heads south? Should we fold up our tent and cry in the corner with the rest of the "Henny Pennys"? That doesn't make a bit of sense to me. On the contrary, now's the time to hit it harder than ever. Now's the time to dig in and get resourceful. Marketing should be given diligent attention. Increase the time spent making cold calls. Implement new strategies to make your work more efficient and more profitable.

Now is the time to  put a good marketing system into action. If you're not able to produce sharp looking marketing material, our CMS program can be a very useful tool. Use your marketing pieces to persistently go after commercial accounts.

Get out there in the trenches in front of the decision makers. Provide carpet inspections, and demos. Stay in front of your prospects, making frequent return visits on them. In the end, your persistence will pay off as you'll see these prospects warm up and become your new clients.

The sky is not falling! People are still spending. And the cleaning business is historically fairly recession proof. There are still plenty of good opportunities for resourceful cleaners to grow their businesses. Go for it! And if I can assist you in any way, shoot me an e-mail or give me a call. I'm always happy to help.

Encap It!

Rick Gelinas - The Encapman